class documentation


Async Method result Wait for result of the workflow.
Class Variable env Undocumented

Inherited from WorkflowHandle:

Method __init__ Create workflow handle.
Async Method cancel Cancel the workflow.
Async Method describe Get workflow details.
Async Method execute_update Send an update request to the workflow and wait for it to complete.
Async Method fetch_history Get workflow history.
Method fetch_history_events Get workflow history events as an async iterator.
Method get_update_handle Get a handle for an update. The handle can be used to wait on the update result.
Method get_update_handle_for Get a typed handle for an update. The handle can be used to wait on the update result.
Async Method query Query the workflow.
Async Method signal Send a signal to the workflow.
Async Method start_update Send an update request to the workflow and return a handle to it.
Async Method terminate Terminate the workflow.
Property first_execution_run_id Run ID used to ensure requested operations apply to a workflow ID started with this run ID.
Property id ID for the workflow.
Property result_run_id Run ID used for result calls if present to ensure result is for a workflow starting from this run.
Property run_id If present, run ID used to ensure that requested operations apply to this exact run.
Method _fetch_history_events_for_run Undocumented
Async Method _start_update Undocumented
Instance Variable __temporal_eagerly_started Undocumented
Instance Variable _client Undocumented
Instance Variable _first_execution_run_id Undocumented
Instance Variable _id Undocumented
Instance Variable _result_run_id Undocumented
Instance Variable _result_type Undocumented
Instance Variable _run_id Undocumented
async def result(self, *, follow_runs: bool = True, rpc_metadata: Mapping[str, str] = {}, rpc_timeout: timedelta | None = None) -> Any: (source)

Wait for result of the workflow.

This will use result_run_id if present to base the result on. To use another run ID, a new handle must be created via Client.get_workflow_handle.

follow_runs:boolIf true (default), workflow runs will be continually fetched, until the most recent one is found. If false, the first result is used.
rpc_metadata:Mapping[str, str]Headers used on the RPC call. Keys here override client-level RPC metadata keys.
rpc_timeout:timedelta | NoneOptional RPC deadline to set for each RPC call. Note, this is the timeout for each history RPC call not this overall function.
AnyResult of the workflow after being converted by the data converter.
WorkflowFailureErrorWorkflow failed, was cancelled, was terminated, or timed out. Use the WorkflowFailureError.cause to see the underlying reason.
ExceptionOther possible failures during result fetching.