class documentation

Composite payload converter that delegates to a list of encoding payload converters.

Encoding/decoding are attempted on each payload converter successively until it succeeds.

Method __init__ Initializes the data converter.
Method from_payloads Decode values trying each converter.
Method to_payloads Encode values trying each converter.
Instance Variable converters List of payload converters to delegate to, in order.

Inherited from PayloadConverter:

Method from_payload Convert a single payload to a value.
Method from_payloads_wrapper from_payloads for the temporalio.api.common.v1.Payloads wrapper.
Method to_payload Convert a single value to a payload.
Method to_payloads_wrapper to_payloads for the temporalio.api.common.v1.Payloads wrapper.
Class Variable default Default payload converter.
def __init__(self, *converters: EncodingPayloadConverter): (source)

Initializes the data converter.

*converters:EncodingPayloadConverterPayload converters to delegate to, in order.
def from_payloads(self, payloads: Sequence[temporalio.api.common.v1.Payload], type_hints: list[type] | None = None) -> list[Any]: (source)

Decode values trying each converter.

See base class. Always returns the same number of values as payloads.

KeyErrorUnknown payload encoding
RuntimeErrorError during decode

Encode values trying each converter.

See base class. Always returns the same number of payloads as values.

RuntimeErrorNo known converter

List of payload converters to delegate to, in order.