class documentation

Base converter to/from single payload/value with a known encoding for use in CompositePayloadConverter.

Method from_payload Decode a single payload to a Python value or raise exception.
Method to_payload Encode a single value to a payload or None.
Property encoding Encoding for the payload this converter works with.
def from_payload(self, payload: temporalio.api.common.v1.Payload, type_hint: type | None = None) -> Any: (source)

Decode a single payload to a Python value or raise exception.

payload:temporalio.api.common.v1.PayloadPayload to convert to Python value.
type_hint:type | NoneType that is expected if any. This may not have a type if there are no annotations on the target.
AnyThe decoded value from the payload. Since the encoding is checked by the caller, this should raise an exception if the payload cannot be converted.
RuntimeErrorGeneral error during decoding.

Encode a single value to a payload or None.

value:AnyValue to be converted.
temporalio.api.common.v1.Payload | NonePayload of the value or None if unable to convert.
TypeErrorValue is not the expected type.
ValueErrorValue is of the expected type but otherwise incorrect.
RuntimeErrorGeneral error during encoding.