class documentation

class _CompositeTuner(WorkerTuner): (source)

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This tuner allows for different slot suppliers for different slot types.

Class Variable activity_slot_supplier Undocumented
Class Variable local_activity_slot_supplier Undocumented
Class Variable workflow_slot_supplier Undocumented
Method _get_activity_task_slot_supplier Undocumented
Method _get_local_activity_task_slot_supplier Undocumented
Method _get_workflow_task_slot_supplier Undocumented

Inherited from WorkerTuner:

Static Method create_composite Create a tuner composed of the provided slot suppliers.
Static Method create_fixed Create a fixed-size tuner with the provided number of slots. Any unspecified slots will default to 100.
Static Method create_resource_based Create a resource-based tuner with the provided options.
Method _get_activities_max Undocumented
Method _to_bridge_tuner Undocumented
activity_slot_supplier: SlotSupplier = (source)


local_activity_slot_supplier: SlotSupplier = (source)


workflow_slot_supplier: SlotSupplier = (source)


def _get_activity_task_slot_supplier(self) -> SlotSupplier: (source)
def _get_local_activity_task_slot_supplier(self) -> SlotSupplier: (source)
def _get_workflow_task_slot_supplier(self) -> SlotSupplier: (source)