class documentation

Options for retrying workflows and activities.

Static Method from_proto Create a retry policy from the proto object.
Method apply_to_proto Apply the fields in this policy to the given proto object.
Class Variable backoff_coefficient Coefficient to multiply previous backoff interval by to get new interval. Default 2.0.
Class Variable initial_interval Backoff interval for the first retry. Default 1s.
Class Variable maximum_attempts Maximum number of attempts.
Class Variable maximum_interval Maximum backoff interval between retries. Default 100x initial_interval.
Class Variable non_retryable_error_types List of error types that are not retryable.
Method _validate Undocumented

Create a retry policy from the proto object.

def apply_to_proto(self, proto: temporalio.api.common.v1.RetryPolicy): (source)

Apply the fields in this policy to the given proto object.

backoff_coefficient: float = (source)

Coefficient to multiply previous backoff interval by to get new interval. Default 2.0.

initial_interval: timedelta = (source)

Backoff interval for the first retry. Default 1s.

maximum_attempts: int = (source)

Maximum number of attempts.

If 0, the default, there is no maximum.

maximum_interval: timedelta | None = (source)

Maximum backoff interval between retries. Default 100x initial_interval.

non_retryable_error_types: Sequence[str] | None = (source)

List of error types that are not retryable.

def _validate(self): (source)
