class documentation

Information about a schedule.

Class Variable created_at When the schedule was created.
Class Variable last_updated_at When the schedule was last updated.
Class Variable next_action_times Next 10 scheduled action times.
Class Variable num_actions Number of actions taken by this schedule.
Class Variable num_actions_missed_catchup_window Number of times an action was skipped due to missing the catchup window.
Class Variable num_actions_skipped_overlap Number of actions skipped due to overlap.
Class Variable recent_actions 10 most recent actions, oldest first.
Class Variable running_actions Currently running actions.
Static Method _from_proto Undocumented

When the schedule was created.

last_updated_at: datetime | None = (source)

When the schedule was last updated.

next_action_times: Sequence[datetime] = (source)

Next 10 scheduled action times.

num_actions: int = (source)

Number of actions taken by this schedule.

num_actions_missed_catchup_window: int = (source)

Number of times an action was skipped due to missing the catchup window.

num_actions_skipped_overlap: int = (source)

Number of actions skipped due to overlap.

10 most recent actions, oldest first.

Currently running actions.