class documentation

class WorkflowExecutionAsyncIterator: (source)

Constructor: WorkflowExecutionAsyncIterator(client, input)

View In Hierarchy

Asynchronous iterator for WorkflowExecution values.

Most users should use async for on this iterator and not call any of the methods within. To consume the workflows as histories, call map_histories.

Method __aiter__ Return self as the iterator.
Async Method __anext__ Get the next execution on this iterator, fetching next page if necessary.
Method __init__ Create an asynchronous iterator for the given input.
Async Method fetch_next_page Fetch the next page if any.
Async Method map_histories Create an async iterator consuming all workflows and calling WorkflowHandle.fetch_history on each one.
Property current_page Current page, if it has been fetched yet.
Property current_page_index Index of the entry in the current page that will be returned from the next __anext__ call.
Property next_page_token Token for the next page request if any.
Instance Variable _client Undocumented
Instance Variable _current_page Undocumented
Instance Variable _current_page_index Undocumented
Instance Variable _input Undocumented
Instance Variable _limit Undocumented
Instance Variable _next_page_token Undocumented
Instance Variable _yielded Undocumented

Return self as the iterator.

async def __anext__(self) -> WorkflowExecution: (source)

Get the next execution on this iterator, fetching next page if necessary.

def __init__(self, client: Client, input: ListWorkflowsInput): (source)

Create an asynchronous iterator for the given input.

Users should not create this directly, but rather use Client.list_workflows.

async def fetch_next_page(self, *, page_size: int | None = None): (source)

Fetch the next page if any.

page_size:int | NoneOverride the page size this iterator was originally created with.
async def map_histories(self, *, event_filter_type: WorkflowHistoryEventFilterType = WorkflowHistoryEventFilterType.ALL_EVENT, skip_archival: bool = False, rpc_metadata: Mapping[str, str] = {}, rpc_timeout: timedelta | None = None) -> AsyncIterator[WorkflowHistory]: (source)

Create an async iterator consuming all workflows and calling WorkflowHandle.fetch_history on each one.

This is just a shortcut for fetch_history, see that method for parameter details.

Current page, if it has been fetched yet.

current_page_index: int = (source)

Index of the entry in the current page that will be returned from the next __anext__ call.

next_page_token: bytes | None = (source)

Token for the next page request if any.



_current_page_index: int = (source)




_next_page_token = (source)


_yielded: int = (source)
