class documentation
class WorkflowExecutionAsyncIterator: (source)
Constructor: WorkflowExecutionAsyncIterator(client, input)
Asynchronous iterator for WorkflowExecution
Most users should use async for on this iterator and not call any of the
methods within. To consume the workflows as histories, call
Method | __aiter__ |
Return self as the iterator. |
Async Method | __anext__ |
Get the next execution on this iterator, fetching next page if necessary. |
Method | __init__ |
Create an asynchronous iterator for the given input. |
Async Method | fetch |
Fetch the next page if any. |
Async Method | map |
Create an async iterator consuming all workflows and calling WorkflowHandle.fetch_history on each one. |
Property | current |
Current page, if it has been fetched yet. |
Property | current |
Index of the entry in the current page that will be returned from the next __anext__ call. |
Property | next |
Token for the next page request if any. |
Instance Variable | _client |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _current |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _current |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _input |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _limit |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _next |
Undocumented |
Instance Variable | _yielded |
Undocumented |
Create an asynchronous iterator for the given input.
Users should not create this directly, but rather use
async def map_histories(self, *, event_filter_type:
= WorkflowHistoryEventFilterType.ALL_EVENT, skip_archival: bool
= False, rpc_metadata: Mapping[ str, str]
= {}, rpc_timeout: timedelta | None
= None) -> AsyncIterator[ WorkflowHistory]
Create an async iterator consuming all workflows and calling
on each one.
This is just a shortcut for fetch_history, see that method for parameter details.