class documentation

Handle for a workflow update execution request.

Method __init__ Create a workflow update handle.
Async Method result Wait for and return the result of the update. The result may already be known in which case no network call is made. Otherwise the result will be polled for until it is returned.
Property id ID of this Update request.
Property workflow_id The ID of the Workflow targeted by this Update.
Property workflow_run_id If specified, the specific run of the Workflow targeted by this Update.
Async Method _poll_until_outcome Undocumented
Instance Variable _client Undocumented
Instance Variable _id Undocumented
Instance Variable _known_outcome Undocumented
Instance Variable _result_type Undocumented
Instance Variable _workflow_id Undocumented
Instance Variable _workflow_run_id Undocumented
def __init__(self, client: Client, id: str, workflow_id: str, *, workflow_run_id: str | None = None, result_type: type | None = None, known_outcome: temporalio.api.update.v1.Outcome | None = None): (source)

Create a workflow update handle.

Users should not create this directly, but rather use WorkflowHandle.start_update or WorkflowHandle.get_update_handle.

async def result(self, *, rpc_metadata: Mapping[str, str] = {}, rpc_timeout: timedelta | None = None) -> LocalReturnType: (source)

Wait for and return the result of the update. The result may already be known in which case no network call is made. Otherwise the result will be polled for until it is returned.

rpc_metadata:Mapping[str, str]Headers used on the RPC call. Keys here override client-level RPC metadata keys.
rpc_timeout:timedelta | NoneOptional RPC deadline to set for each RPC call. Note: this is the timeout for each RPC call while polling, not a timeout for the function as a whole. If an individual RPC times out, it will be retried until the result is available.
WorkflowUpdateFailedErrorIf the update failed.
WorkflowUpdateRPCTimeoutOrCancelledErrorThis update call timed out or was cancelled. This doesn't mean the update itself was timed out or cancelled.
RPCErrorUpdate result could not be fetched for some other reason.

ID of this Update request.

workflow_id: str = (source)

The ID of the Workflow targeted by this Update.

workflow_run_id: str | None = (source)

If specified, the specific run of the Workflow targeted by this Update.

async def _poll_until_outcome(self, rpc_metadata: Mapping[str, str] = {}, rpc_timeout: timedelta | None = None): (source)




_known_outcome = (source)


_result_type = (source)


_workflow_id = (source)


_workflow_run_id = (source)
